Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Internet censorship - alive and well in Britain

(Please see UPDATE at end)

You'll search in vain this evening for the following blogs:
Craig Murray;
Bob Piper;
Boris Johnson.


Well it seems that Alisher Usmanov doesn't like what they [or some of them, at least] have been saying and has got his legal firm to threaten them and their common internet host and as a result the latter has 'pulled' them; some have disappeared merely because they share the same host as those who have 'offended' a rich and powerful individual.

Read more here, here, here and here. Forbes magazine has a laconic write-up; the little that is written there is quite telling.

I have zero interest in football so if this gentleman wishes to take control of a football club I am largely indifferent, if this was all that was at issue; it seems, though, that the football club in question is somewhat exercised by the prospect, according to the BBC. The Guardian focusses on the way some use legal suasion to try and head off discussion of matters they would prefer remain undiscussed.

UPDATE: (Friday 21SEP07 10.25 BST) The original 'offending' article written by Craig Murray can be found by placing the Uzbekhi/Russian gentleman's full name in front of "" for anyone who may be interested; please note that the comments to that reposted entry list several other places on the web where the article can be found. I had not read Craig's article before, now I have - and the alleged information is now in my brain, and anyone else's who reads it, whatever a London law firm may care to try and do about it. We know! Let freedom prevail!

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