Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot

Monday 12 March 2007

'Cash for Honours' scandal. Drip. Drip. Drip.

More information drips out of the steaming cesspit that is 10 Downing Street. Through Guido (who had it from Iain Dale) I learned that Ruth Turner reportedly began her famous memo with the words: "Oh F**k, Levy Has Asked Me To Lie For Him" (my rules against the use of profanity in this blog oblige me to disguise slightly the word that Ms Turner is said to have used - sorry).

Oh dear, what a sad country to be a citizen of. Perhaps I will feel a little less soiled [*] when this rotten crowd of sleazebags is driven out of office - which I hope will be sooner rather than later.

The BBC report on the latest developments is here.

[*] I know I probably come across as a stereotypical 'maiden aunt' with my funny rules on profanity, etc., but I don't care. I am sure many people (indeed I know many people) regard me as a wart on the face of humanity because I am unashamedly a gay man, but the filth I read earlier today in links back through the blogger profile of a person who had written a rebuttal of a comment I had made in another blog confirms me in my belief that seeming pride in use of shocking language for 'effect' is not something I have any desire to emulate, however provoked I may feel on occasion; when such language is used by someone who professes to be a 'Christian' as it was in that other blog comment it robs the counter-arguments of any validity in my view, not that the lack of such profanity would have materially affected my view, if I'm honest.

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