Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this early evening. Time for tea, or perhaps a cocktail.

Monday, 8 January 2007

Bill dissimulates in his blog header banner ... just a little

You may notice that my header banner and the line immediately underneath it indicate that I am now actually in Spain, when I am in fact still at home here in Scotland. I've also put up a rather 'nifty' animated Spanish national flag alongside the Union Flag. I'm scheduled to leave home this coming Thursday, though, and after several days of driving (after a weekend in the Netherlands) will probably cross into Spain from France sometime during Wednesday next week, arriving at my final destination on the Friday. In summary, I've changed the header banner etc. now to save me the trouble of doing it when I'm on the move. The header banner shows, by the way, an image from my own property there - it is rather lovely and peaceful (just like the view I have here, of course).

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