Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Saturday, 30 December 2006

Speculation is rife about the imminent execution of Saddam Hussein

There are strong rumours tonight that Saddam Hussein is to be executed early morning Saturday, Baghdad time, perhaps around 6am (or about 03.00 GMT).

I oppose the death penalty, even for monsters such as the former President of Iraq; quite apart from my moral objections, though, it seems to me that death in this case would be far too easy on the former tyrant - surely a much more fitting outcome and punishment would be for Saddam Hussein to be kept under conditions of strict security for the remainder of his natural life?

However my qualms are of no importance, I suppose. The Iraqis appear to favour execution as punishment and if lancing the boil that Saddam's life represents is thought likely to have the potential to reduce violence there then I cannot see much utility in 'manning the barricades' over this issue. I don't rejoice in the prospect of any human being dying, far less a human being being deprived of life in an officially-approved execution, but the world will carry on very nicely without him. In summary, "Good Riddance, Saddam!" .

UPDATE: (Saturday 30DEC06 03.47 GMT) The deed has been done; it was reported on BBC News24 about 30 minutes ago and is now confirmed here. Two of his co-defendants are also reported to have been executed. I can now go to bed, if not happily, at least with some sense that a malign influence has been removed.

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