Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this evening. Dinner and a concert beckons.

Sunday, 5 November 2006

Next Church of Scotland Moderator to back gay 'marriages'

Sheilagh Kesting, who is scheduled to take over as Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland next May, has said that:

"I would personally have no problem blessing (civil partnerships). I was personally sorry about the way the vote went last year. I didn’t think that was necessary."

Next May's General Assembly promises to be a lively event if this comment by Dr Ian Watson, secretary of Forward Together and parish minister at Kirkmuirhall, in south Lanarkshire is a guide:

"We say the bible is our supreme guide on doctrine and lifestyle. It unequivocally says homosexual (intercourse) is wrong so therefore why are we even having this debate? I’m surprised that the moderator-designate has so quickly shown her hand. The moderator is supposed to be impartial and must respect the will of the general assembly."

The question the Church of Scotland needs to ask is if it wishes to continue to be a diminishing church (in numbers of adherents and regular churchgoers) - personally I long ago gave up on organised religion so am unlikely to develop suddenly into someone for whom this has much practical significance, but given the [entirely unjustified!] influence this cult has on Scottish political and social life one cannot remain entirely neutral about what it says and does.

The Times also has a much lengthier feature article today about the changing attitudes towards homosexuality in Scotland, particularly in the major conurbations although gratifyingly by no means limited to such areas - if Kirkaldy and Galashiels can do it, can Auchtermuchty or Drumnadrochit be far behind?

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