Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Tuesday, 5 September 2006

Remembering Terrorist Outrages - 3rd September 2004 and 11th September 2001

... We still remember ...

Two days ago was the second anniversary of the barbarous school hostage-taking in Beslan, North Ossetia (Russia), in which it is estimated that at least 331 perished, and next Monday will see the fifth anniversary of the horrors which affected the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington and involved four civilian aircraft all of whose passengers and crew perished - in all 2,973 are confirmed as having died (excluding 19 hijackers) on that day, with a further 24 missing and unaccounted for. My sincere condolences to all those whose family, friends and colleagues were killed in these outrages, so needlessly and brutally. Rest in Peace.

(Permanent links to memorial pages for these and other recent terrorist outrages are in the column on the right under the heading 'Memorial Pages'.)

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