Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Wednesday, 30 August 2006

Local murder updates - Alistair Wilson (Nairn), Renee Macrae (Inverness)

This week's Nairnshire Telegraph (no online source) says that Northern Constabulary's handling of the investigation into the doorstep murder of Alistair Wilson in Nairn in November 2004 is to come under a second independent review by Grampian Police. My most recent post on this murder is here. There are links to all my posts on this murder, so close to where I live, in the right-hand column under the heading 'Murder in Nairn' articles.

My view for a while has been that the trail has gone cold, as it seems that not even a motive has yet been established for the killing, far less any real leads which might result in the killer being caught; whether the Grampian Police review will throw up further 'lines of inquiry' is not known, but I suppose the thinking is that fresh eyes may see something that the local force and the earlier review (carried out in February 2005, with results not released) have so far missed.

On the other hand, in the far older murder inquiry involving Renee Macrae and her son Andrew, both of whom disappeared in 1976, it is clear that Northern Constabulary continue to hope for a breakthrough as they have just announced that an "evidential gap" has been closed and that a report will be passed to the Procurator Fiscal "within months" once the inquiry has been taken a little further, with a view to the Crown establishing whether a prosecution is now justified.

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