Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Sunday, 18 June 2006

For 'Star Trek' fans everywhere

The New York Times has a very good article about the recent spate of amateur spin-offs from 'Star Trek' - there has been quite a lot in the news recently about this phenomenon, for example the BBC did one recently too, but the difference is that in the New York Times article there are embedded links to various of the amateur production websites where you can download episodes and trailers of various of these amateur efforts.

It has to be said that the acting and dialogue in almost all of these productions is not of a very high standard, but the special effects are another matter - the ubiquity of digital video cameras puts reasonably professional looking film production within the scope of enthusiasts and some of them have taken full advantage. Most of the productions are US-based, but one is produced by enthusiasts in Scotland and it is quite amusing to hear all of the players speaks with strong Scottish accents. (When I lived in Paris in the 1980s I used to watch re-runs of the original 'Star Trek' television programmes dubbed into French so I grew quite accustomed to hearing Kirk, Spock, etc, speaking in French - in fact I'd say that the quality of the dubbing was very high indeed and all the speakers had very good and interesting styles, at least as good as the US original.)

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