Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this afternoon. Lunch and a stroll is on the cards.

Friday, 12 May 2006

New temporary blog header banner

You may notice, next time you refresh your browser when you visit this blog, that I have replaced the header banner with a different version. This will be in place for the next few weeks whilst I am away in Spain as the background photograph is of the view from where my holiday home there is being built, whereas the typeface colours reflect those of the Spanish national flag.

Once I am safely back in Scotland I shall be putting back the banner I've used for the last nine months or so, whose colours are supposed to reflect the heathery hues prevalent here. I am still in Nairn for the next few days, but won't have much time for more blogging before I leave on Monday, possibly this evening or on Sunday. Tomorrow I am visiting the Hydroponicum at Achiltibuie, north of Ullapool on the west coast of Scotland, a place I have wanted to visit for some years but never got around to - hydroponics, in case you are not familiar with the term, is plant cultivation without soil.

Now, however, I really must go and get lunch. I have been delayed even more than usual from fulfilling this basic requirement because I have been struggling with print-feed problems. For many years I have printed out contact lists (addresses, telephone numbers, etc) onto filofax size paper as this makes a convenient way of carrying an up-to-date address book with me. However, the printer I use at present is somewhat idiosynchratic, added to which the gauge of the filofax paper I have seems to have reduced in recent years and is now too light to feed properly through my printer (grrrrr!!), so I have had to re-format all the report formats I use to print these things out from my database to A4 size - not quite so easy to carry around, but it'll have to do until I get a better solution! Right, oh where was I (?) ... lunch.

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