Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this afternoon. Lunch and a stroll is on the cards.

Sunday, 12 March 2006

New links added - March 2006

Just a couple of new links this time, but I wanted to get them up quickly rather than waiting until I had some more to batch with them; both discovered thru the ever-excellent (even if not always to my taste) Normblog:
beatroot, the (Peter Gentle) - describes his blog as 'Politics and current affairs of Poland, Central Europe and the EU from a British journalist in Warsaw' and this seems a very fair description of what this excellent blog seems to do; it will be good to add a parspective, even a foreign one, to the politics of a country new to my 'blog firmament';
land of sad oranges, the (Fayrouz Shagrawi) - an editor at the Ma'an Independent News Agency in Bethlehem/West Bank who also teaches English to pupils studying for Bagrut (high school exams in Israel) at a school in East Jersulalem and who says: 'This blog is my attempt to clutch to sanity, and give another voice from Palestine'. This is a brand new blog that has not really had time to establish itself properly, but if she can find the time and energy to keep up reasonably regular posting then it should be worth following to get a Palestinian perspective on an unstable region.

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