Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this afternoon. Lunch and a stroll is on the cards.

Sunday, 12 February 2006

Sir Ian McKellen criticises Hollywood attitude toward gays

Speaking at the Berlin Film Festival, Sir Ian gave his thoughts on movie-making in California as it affects gays:

"The film industry is very old fashioned in California. It is very, very, very difficult for an American actor who wants a film career to be open about his sexuality. And even more difficult for a woman if she's lesbian. It's very distressing to me that that should be the case. It's not true of actors on the other side of the American continent, on Broadway, where people are very at ease with being open and honest."

- although it is not discussed in the article, I imagine that, apart from the undoubted conservatism of some 'movie moguls', they know that gay movies have traditionally been [or perceived to be] the kiss of death at mainstream box offices across what is a much more 'religious' country than the UK (for example) and have therefore been unlikely to receive the financial backing required. It will be interesting to see if the recent success of Brokeback Mountain (which I am booked to see in early March) will have a long-term effect.

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