Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this morning. I hope your day is good so far.

Sunday, 29 January 2006

Discrimination at work against gays still rife

Despite recent legislation supposedly protecting gay and lesbian employees from disrimination at work, it seems many continue to experience harassment and worse. Despite what the political editor of The Sun, and many others, have said in the past week about the Simon Hughes situation in the LibDems being unnecessary because he should have 'come out' years ago, because there was no longer a stigma in revealing a gay or lesbian aspect to one's sexuality, this kind of job-related homophobia still represents the reality for many homosexuals in this country. It is why I continue to have a certain degree of sympathy for Mr Hughes and even more for Mr Oaten, despite the criticisms I have made of their different behaviours in this blog in earlier posts. I no longer have to care about this because I choose not to work any longer, but it is true that I was quite discreet about my personal life when I did work, even if many of my colleagues most probably had worked out I was gay years earlier, quite apart from the fact that many of my married heterosexual colleagues were hardly in a position to criticise anyone, including me, if their own occasional moral lapses were a guide. Attitiudes do not always march in tandem with changes in legislation.

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