Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this afternoon. Lunch and a stroll is on the cards.

Thursday, 22 December 2005

Signing off for Christmas

There has been a great deal happening in the past few days, some good (about which I have written) and a great deal more less good, notably our Prime Minister's performance at the recent EU meetings in Brussels, but serious as this was it pales into insignificance against what we learn about plans to introduce individual vehicle tracking throughout the length and breadth of the UK, theoretically for our protection, according to the police. Police State Britain seems likely, if he has his way, to be the legacy Tony Blair leaves to a 'grateful' nation. Oh yes, and for those of you making full use of your credit cards this Festive Season, the trade gap seems to have widened further in the most recent quarter; the public's spending habits, the government's fiscal policies and our declining international competitiveness as a nation are all contributing to this less than happy developing scenario.

After having had a visit to the gym tomorrow, I shall be picking up my mother and we shall both be leaving the following day (Christmas Eve) to spend the weekend with my brother and sister-in-law in Aberdeenshire, about 80 miles or so from here, probably returning late Tuesday. I'm looking forward to not being in the front-line of catering and entertainment duties for the first time in quite a few years. On this cheery note, I'll sign off now until the middle of next week and leave you with this:

With all good wishes
for a Joyous Christmas
and a Peaceful, Happy
and Prosperous
New Year

A small ceramic tree in a quiet corner of my apartment

I shall be enjoying 'festive fare' on my usual modest scale with just a very few glasses of the produce of the 'Bonne Veuve' each day to bring some sparkle to events. Go in Peace.

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