Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Friday, 25 November 2005

News British-style - "Alcoholic ex-footballer not yet dead"

What a bizarre country this is! For the past several days EVERY news bulletin has had copious 'reporting' on the medical condition of ex-footballer George Best. Everybody from his hospital consultant, giving press briefings outside the hospital (advising us, if you please, that he is not expected to survive another twenty-four hours - that was over twenty-four hours ago), to other footballers, ex-footballers and football managers telling us how much they love George Best.

Now, I admit it, I have no interest in football whatsoever, but I accept that once he has died his death will be important news for many and even I will probably feel sad. But really, do we have to have this seemingly never-ending reporting on and quasi-deification of someone who, apparently, was a great footballer, but who was and seems to have remained an alocoholic, even after having had a liver transplant a few years ago, necessitated by his long-term excessive consumption of alcohol?

Please, please BBC, ITV, SKY et al - give us a break!!

UPDATE: (Friday 25NOV05 14.25) Second item on the BBC1 main news at 1pm - George Best has died. For the next couple of days, at least (groan ...), there will undoubtedly be further very copious reports of this man's death, with tributes, etc, etc, etc. Sorry for my curmudgeonly attitude, but despite this I am happy to say:
Rest in Peace - George Best.

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