Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this early morning, but I'm probably still sound asleep.

Monday, 11 July 2005

New blog banner - 'bubbles for the summer'

I've been thinking of updating my header banner for a good while now (there are some really smart ones out there, for example PooterGeek and backword), but hadn't got around to it. However, this morning I saw that Garry (aka the CuriousHamster) had modified his banner so I decided today was the day I would do it, too. Now that I've ironed out the technique of loading the header banner image into the template to get it to appear the way I want, I expect over the coming months I'll be experimenting further with my banner design. If you have comments about the change, I shall as ever be interested to read them.
(As I am obviously a complete 'numptie', I foolishly made a silly spelling mistake in my fancy new banner image - I have now done a patch to correct the fault, but will do a proper revision of the whole image in due course - [Ed. slaps wrists])

UPDATE: (Tuesday 12JUL05 13.30 BST) A modified banner is now up on all the main pages, but I'm not bothering changing some of the 'subsidiary' pages until I do yet another revision to improve the latest version a little.

2nd UPDATE: (Tuesday 12JUL05 23.10 BST) The final version of the header banner, for the moment, is now up on all pages on this site. Although I may put up other versions from time to time, they will likely follow broadly the same format until I carry out a major design revision of the site (colour scheme, etc), ideas for which are now beginning to germinate in my mind. The present colour scheme has been broadly what I have been using for about two years and has the merit of being 'neutral' in terms of UK politics, something I think is important, however I have begun to think the whole site design is rather 'cluttered' looking so a future version is likely to [aim to] be less cluttered and 'cleaner' looking.

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