Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this morning. I hope your day is good so far.

Friday, 20 May 2005

Nairn Trees in their Spring leaves

Today it is mild, even warm in sheltered spots, in Nairn. As I did yesterday I thought I would walk up into town to get my newspaper, just to show I do have some empathy with 'green' notions of saving the planet, and a very enjoyable little excursion it proved to be. Just a few yards from my home, going in the direction of the links on the putting-pitch side I saw just how nice was the vista looking down into the park in the direction of Cromarty away at the other side of the Firth (i.e. The Moray Firth). Then walking up through the rise into Viewfield Park from Glebe Road, more beautiful mature trees are now showing all their Spring finery. I thought I should share these joyous images, so here they are:

Nairn links, putting-pitch side - 20 May 2005

Nairn, Viewfield House Park - 20 May 2005
Viewfield House is now used as Nairn Museum

- for those who may have wondered, the tree surrounded by a green wrought-iron fence in the first photograph was planted to mark the Coronation - of King George V, that is, in 1911! (The world has changed a little since those days, n'est-ce pas?)

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