Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Thursday, 19 May 2005

'Divertissements' for a leisurely (kinda) afternoon ...

This is a completely narcissistic article about me and my little life - no serious comment or thought was invoked in the writing of this post. Feel free to skip it if you've got something better, or indeed anything at all, to do ...

Today is a funny kinda day for me, and part of tomorrow will probably be like this, too. Yesterday, on the other hand, was pretty hectic - in preparation for today. Let me explain - although various 'snagging' work was done on my new apartment after I'd been here for a year, some other things have shown up now that I've been here for almost five years. The builders are therefore back today and tomorrow doing the various bits of corrective work necessary - some of the doors needing adjusting (so they close properly), some of the decorative coving needing fixing, 'stud' marks on various walls and ceilings, etc. Yesterday was pretty busy whilst I moved furniture and pictures out of several rooms and cleared a couple of clothes stores (in a spare bedroom), and relocated some of this to my own bedroom (largely unaffected by these problems) - which has left my own bedroom unusable for the present. So I've relocated myself along the corridor of this level of the building to one of the guest suites for several nights, until this work is completed (last night I slept really well, as the guest suite beds are really very comfortable, kinda 'firm' - just like my own bed). I hope to be back in my own bedroom for Saturday night.

So today, apart from having to get out of bed rather earlier than is my normal practice (6.30am for goodness sake!), so I could be washed, dressed and breakfasted before the scheduled arrival time of the workmen (8.30am), I've devoted some of my time to writing this particularly enthralling article. However, after their arrival I have little else to do today apart from taking the dog for a walk and dealing with some personal accounting stuff on the PC and visiting the bank (a great walk up through the park, incidentally - it's become quite mild this afternoon after a pretty breezy and chilly morning).

Now, you may be asking, is this post going anywhere at all, or will it not end soon? Well the answers are, yes (at least partially) and no - so read on, if you want ...

I've been following for a while the blog of a young blogger called Charlie Williams who lives in Perth (Australia) and writes at Playing for the Wrong Team (i.e. he is a gay young man). He has a post up today that is quite interesting - starts off about a recent car show in Perth with a link to some nice photographs of various of the smart cars on display, if you're a car buff, and moves on to one of those round-robin thingies which is mildly amusing and you might care to try it yourself (read on). The previous post, too (seemingly unpromisingly entitled Skip This Post) is interesting - covering the kinds of things he does to improve and/or manipulate images. I do quite a lot of this, too, and enjoy also creating various graphics (some of which are dotted around my websites) - like Charlie, one of the pieces of software I use for this is Adobe Photoshop Elements, although I use Adobe Photodeluxe as well because it is somewhat easier to use, if rather less flexible.

Anyway, back to the 'round robin' thingie ...

The Rules:
Pick 5 occupations and complete the sentence.
Add some more occupations.
Pass it on to at least 3 other bloggers.
Have Fun! (That's a rule!)

The List:
If I could be a scientist...
If I could be a farmer...
If I could be a musician...
If I could be a doctor...
If I could be a painter...
If I could be a gardener...
If I could be a missionary...
If I could be a chef...
If I could be an architect...
If I could be a linguist...
If I could be a psychologist...
If I could be a librarian...
If I could be an athlete...
If I could be a lawyer...
If I could be an innkeeper...
If I could be a professor...
If I could be a writer...
If I could be a llama-rider...
If I could be a bonnie pirate...
If I could be a service member...
If I could be a business owner...
If I could be an actor...
If I could be an agent...
If I could be video game designer...
If I could be a comic book artist...
If I could be a hooker...
If I could be a crack addict...
If I could be a porn star...
If I could be a mime...
If I could be a domestic engineer...
If I could be a chimney sweep...
If I could be a masseuse...
If I could be a taxi driver...
If I could be a priest...
If I could be a window cleaner...
If I could be a gynecologist...
If I could be a world leader...
If I could be a healer...
If I could be a proctologist...
If I could be a carpenter...
If I could be a amusement park ride operator...
If I could be the manager of an adult bookstore...
If I could be Pat Benatar...
If I could be a hermit...
If I could be a social parasite...
If I could be an X-Man...
If I could be Paris Hilton...
If I could be a movie director...
If I could be a super model...
If I could be the new pope...
My additions:
If I could be a neurosurgeon ...
If I could be a playwrite ...
If I could be a Belgian ...

My answers:
If I could be an architect... I'd love to have designed the new Scottish Parliament building (and it would be very different from the one we have);

If I could be a bonnie pirate... I'd steer my 'vessel' into the England national team rugby dressing room and take Jonny Wilkinson (mmmmm ...) as my 'booty';

If I could be a domestic engineer... (whatever that is, I think I get it) I'd bake 'my man' a cake - and it would be nice to have a 'my man', too ... lol;

If I could be a carpenter... I'd sport a really superior toolbelt;

If I could be the new pope... I'd issue at least one encyclical pretty sharpish, radically altering the Church's policies on homosexuality, specifically relating to partnership and/or marriage for same-sex couples, which I would permit and I would not contemplate canonising the late Pontiff (John Paul II) for many years yet, if ever;

Perhaps Alan or Stephen or Graisg or David would care to give this a go?

If you've followed this right to the end, good on you!

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