Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this afternoon. Lunch and a stroll is on the cards.

Saturday, 21 August 2004

Nairn Highland Games - Saturday 21 August 2004

The 127th Nairn Highland Games are being held in Nairn today and the main events take place on the cricket pitch just outside my home; the official website is here. The following photographs were taken from my apartment today:

The massed pipe bands make their inaugural circuit of the field. I abhor nationalism, but there is something about a massed pind band playing 'Scotland the Brave' that makes me very proud and happy to be Scottish and British

Early rounds of the Scottish Country Dancing competition

The Half-Marathon gets underway

Tossing the Caber. The caber is almost vertical in mid-air and will shortly fall the correct way, that is to the left, meaning that this was a valid toss

A Shot-Put competitor does his stuff

I usually have a few friends over to help pass the day and along the way a few bottles of champagne get opened. Cheers!

The funfair, just beyond the cricket pitch, has been operating for the past ten or so days and had a busy evening yesterday, but will probably have a better evening today, because the weather so far today has been much better - it will probably go on until just before midnight, so there will be lots of lights, noise and laughter (and screaming) drifting across the cricket pitch tonight!

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