Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot

Monday 29 March 2004

Scottish Parliament could have had a permanent home on The Mound!!

I have wondered about this ever since the Scottish Parliament first occupied the Church of Scotland's Assembly Hall on The Mound as a temporary measure pending establishment of a permanent home.

Now we learn (and I have never heard about it before, and I wonder why) that the CofS would have been perfectly happy to continue the arrangement on a permanent basis. Rev David Lacy, convener of the Kirk board in charge of the premises said:
"We would have been delighted with that. But they weren’t interested."
"It is a missed opportunity. The idea was certainly a runner and I sent copies of the proposal to Donald Dewar and David Steel, but neither of them showed any interest at all."

I think that David Steel, who is (unlike Dewar) still alive, should be called back before the Fraser Inquiry to be asked for an explanation. He should be forced to face up to his platitudes and obfuscations over the past four years.

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