Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this VERY early morning. You seem to be a night owl.

Wednesday, 5 November 2003

Is Michael Portillo scheduled for a shock return to front-bench politics?

Personally I hope so, although I am not exactly holding my breath. It was notable that in 'Breakfast with Frost' last Sunday morning, he did not categorically deny that he would decline to serve in a Michael Howard Shadow Cabinet, although he has recently categorically denied that he envisages ever becoming Leader of the Conservative Party - prior to the recent vote of confidence on Iain Duncan Smith he stated candidly, and correctly, that there was no point in putting his name forward because he did not have sufficient support within the Party. Unpalatable, and the loss is far greater to the Party than I expect it is to Portillo, but it's a fact. What he did say though, during the David Frost session, was that he did not expect to receive a call from Michael Howard, although he strongly endorsed his candidature.

However, this article in DeHavilland which I spotted a little while ago gives some hope that this may yet occur and they speculate he may replace Oliver Letwin as Shadow Home Secretary, who is widely thought to be slated for the Shadow Chancellor position. We can but live in hope!

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