Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this morning. I hope your day is good so far.

Wednesday, 5 November 2003

"The dividends are a comin' in"

I've just been to the mailbox to retrieve LOADS of junk mail and a few more relevant things - a few more dividend statements and a couple of investment statements. This is the time of year when a lot of companies declare their interims and cumulatively they can be quite 'interesting'. The investment statements, whilst not exactly great, are a lot better than they were in the spring so, at least on paper, the news remains pretty good. As a long-term investor I don't pay too much attention to short-term movements, whether up or down, but there's no denying it is much better to be aware of a slight upward trend rather than the reverse! Now, breakfast for me and the 'doggette' is my mission - yes, I know it's not exactly day-break (even in these semi-arctic latitudes!!), but I tend to be late-ish to bed and late-ish to rise, or a least it is when I get going properly for the day.

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