Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot
'Greetings', or 'Yo!' this early evening. Time for tea, or perhaps a cocktail.

Tuesday, 28 October 2003

Atkins Low Carbohydrate Diet - Week 19

Another good result this week. I lost a further 0.9kg (1.9lb) in the past week and my weight is now (as at Sunday 26th October) 72.0kg, a reduction of 26.0kg since I began (or 57.3lb) - I now have 7.0kg (15.5lb) to reach my target of 65kg. Measurement indicators for the week continue to show moderately good reductions:
- waist down a further 0.2 inches to 33.5 inches (total reduction so far 11.5 inches);
- hips down 0.2 inches to 48.8 inches (total reduction so far 7.7 inches);
- thighs down 0.1 inches to 23.3 inches (total reduction so far 5.2 inches).

As predicted last week, I moved on Thursday last from 'Induction' to 'Ongoing Weight Loss', as on Wednesday evening I had reduced by 0.4 kg so I had only 7.5 kg (about 16.5 lb) left to reach target. My task now is not to lose weight too quickly over the coming eight or so weeks, when I want to lose only about 8 pounds; I am still feeling my way with adding more carbs back into my diet. I am certainly enjoying having come more salads and some of the cooked vegetables I haven't been able to have for several months. Next week I have the prospect of enjoying small portions of nuts, too - can't be bad! The remaining 8 - 9 lbs (when I move onto the 'Pre-Maintenance' stage) will be lost, assuming this all works, over the following 3 1/2 months to about end-March 2004.

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