Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot

Monday 22 July 2002

More propaganda about the so-called “Gay Rights Agenda”

Here is a link I have seen to a website called WorldNet Daily, which talks about a magazine called "Whistleblower" in whose June 25 issue is a sensationalist article about what it contends is the 'truth' about the 'gay rights agenda' - it refers to a number of 'studies' (naturally, no sources are quoted) which purportedly support its view that America's children are being 'recruited' into homosexuality - seems like complete nonsense to me, but knowing a little about how the Christian far-right operates in the US, I expect it will be swallowed whole by many of their adherents.

Of course they also talk about subjects such as "Christian-persecution in Arafat-land" – some of Andrew Sullivan’s (see link at right) recent articles about " 'Islamist' Terrorism" seem to strike a chord with that particular strand. As I've lived in a number of Arab Moslem countries I know that the practise of Christianity in some of these countries is not exactly easy (quite apart from proselytisation, which I think is a different subject completely), but it so happens that Arafat himself is a Christian and the Palestinians as a whole contain a significant percentage of Christians, curiously enough. Anyway, that's rather off the point - the link, though, is of course that life in the Middle East is rather more complex than some in the US would have us believe (and I would include, regrettably, Andrew Sullivan in this group - although I've written about him before in this context), just as the 'truth' about homosexuality is rather more nuanced than some of the US-based Christian Right would have us believe.

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