Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot

Saturday 23 April 2005

Pope Benedict XVI launches anti-gay salvo

The Vatican is not happy with a new law in Spain, a nominally Catholic country, which has just granted marriage rights to same-sex couples.

When the Catholic Church revises its policy on contraception and the inhibiting of disease tramsmission during sex (by the use of condoms), and various other matters, then it will have a right to speak on issues in the secular world relating to the human condition. Until then it should just
Shut UP !!!

The Pontiff's view on how the scandal of paedophile abuse by priests should be dealt with may have been modified in a benefical way as some parts of this New York Times article suggest, although this remains (in my opinion) to be demonstrated, but it does not explain why disgraced Cardinal Law was very recently permitted to say a Mass for the late Pontiff, Pope John Paul II.

Whilst it is perhaps wrong to pre-judge a man so early in a new job, I am certainly not prepared to be fobbed off by the spin we are being fed that Cardinal Ratzinger, the scourge of gays, has somehow metamorphosed into a benign old man after becoming Pope Benedict XVI.

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