Blogging from the Highlands of Scotland
'From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step' - Diderot

Monday 17 October 2011


OK, I've been silent here for a few weeks (having too much fun whilst on my current sojourn in Spain - plus possibly some very good personal news - more later perhaps, if things continue to develop positively), but this is really too interesting (and gruesome) not to pass on:

- this image-grab gives the salient details:

- read more from the Las Vegas Review-Journal here

There but ...

(thru Kenneth in the (212), here)

Saturday 1 October 2011

Article heading list for latest 6-month period (April 2011 to September 2011) now up

The archive of 'Article Headings' for the latest 6-month period is now available - click here for the period April 2011 to September 2011.

There are permanent links in the right bar to this and earlier 6-month 'Article Heading' indices, immediately below the standard 'Blogger' monthly archive links.